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« 「碧い鳥の歌」 / 作詞 / いまいちばんやりたいこと | トップページ | 美容室の回数を減らす »

2018年6月 3日 (日)

Forpus coelestis / basking in the sun / we live on the earth today


It's fine at Tokyo JPN today, so our forpus coelestis basked in the sun.

It's very hot even in 2018 early summer, the thermometer indicated above 30 degree. Phew...(sigh)

She looked like glad. I can understand certain degree what she feels by several clues including twitters. 

Women usually don't speak about the important things, so we men have been having to understand what they think by a few non-verbal and/or verbal  clues they're carefully releasing. Our blue-bird is also female. Phew...(sigh)

I found she has blown the pupil of the eyes.

It moved dependent on the light strength and focus of her vision. Pupil deeply relate to
visual sensation like focus and visual depth.

Mameruri06022 After the basking she took a bath in a translucent case of figs.

I like the "blue" in her back.
Occasionally I can see the blue at her bathing like today or hovering flight in the room.

The "cobalt blue" or "Morpho butterfly blue" is characteristic and fascinated one. Truly beautiful.

She enjoyed water till completely satisfied.

I also enjoyed and satisfied spending the time with her. I'll have to work as a busy medical specialist tomorrow.

I was charged by the Forpus coelestis. I thank to her, even if she slept in her dedicated small blue comfortable alcove.

"We're living on the earth today... now" I was thinking.
I felt warmth and brightness from the stellar pulsation,
which we call "the sun".

Sometimes I'll write in English to my foreign friends who want to read my BLOG entries. 




30度近くまで暑かったので、水を用意すると水浴び。 彼女の背中の青は本当に美しい。モルフォ蝶に匹敵します。




明日から、また忙しいことがよそうされます。 彼女にエネルギーをチャージしてもらいました。ありがとう。マメルリハ。

「僕らは、今、地球上に生きているんだ」 と 考えていました。
僕らが、太陽 と呼ぶ恒星からのぬくもりと明るさを感じながら。

« 「碧い鳥の歌」 / 作詞 / いまいちばんやりたいこと | トップページ | 美容室の回数を減らす »