Setaria viridis / エノコログサEnokoro-Gusa / ネコジャラシ Neko-Jarashi
I went to harvest Setaria viridis called "NekoJarashi" or "Enokoro-Gusa" in Japanese.
Neko means cats and Jarashi teasing. Cats want to chase, if the glasses roked by us.
The Forpus coelests (mameruriha) like these glass, I guess she likes green glassy smell.
We can see Setaria viridis everywhere like roadside and so on at TKY from spring to autumn.
I carried messenger bag and pick the glasses, and to avoid drying I put them to ZIPLOCK with water.
During wandering small way in an obscure part of the Tokyo I've thought about many thing.
If I harvest too early the seeds are mature, and If too late they wither to brown. She doesn't eat dried brown one.
I didn't think TINBUKU2 messenger-bag works thus way.
I picked up adequate Setaria viridis and soaked water with grape juice.
Because Mameruriha likes fruits I want to put the grape smell to glasses and if somewhat sweet adds is better
Osmotic pressure is only problem.If it is higher than plants, the plants will dry.
Setaria viridis is a kind of millet. At first I wash them with water, I put it to the solution.
Many small seeds are found. I can harvest adequate timing to make feed.
The osmotic pressure is adjusted to 5%GLU like human one. I learned some papers about TURGOL, but I understand incompletely because I'm human Dr Neurologist.
I put the solution leafs, I observe the turgol. Plants have strong cell-wall we don't have. The animal cells have soft cell-membraine, so osmotic pressure influences more.
I will refer the leaf condition or angle of ear about turgol. I feed every plants after microwaving because of avoiding microbes and insects.
Grape-smelled sweet glasses she likes, I hope.
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「20.マメルリハ / mameruriha / Forpus coelestis_」カテゴリの記事
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