It's hot today above 35C (Celsius) in Tokyo.
Our forpus coelestis splashed water for many minutes. She enjoyed longer than usual bathing.
Besides her I picked up several kinds of beans and seeds to exert healthy power for her and her beauty.
She played in water without herself, I took enough time to grind them.
I choose several grains containing dark color vegetable flavonoids and vitamins.
It doesn't need to smash small powder, but if the beans are large she doesn't eat them, so I have to make them in adequate size.
Green beans, mung beans are good, but too large to eat.
We have to smash every food to suitable size she likes.
Keeping body temperature in standard degree is most essential thing for every homoiothermal animal.
Birds are warm-blooded animal, too, they want to dry quickly not to cool themselves.
My birds Knows where her hope will realize, and she climb my shoulder. I will dry her with a hair dryer in warm wind. She knows the way what she behave. Wonderful !
After taking bath, she groomed her feathers one by one.
At first she grooms feathers at the both wings, the penon feathers, secondary at the armpit, finally the tail feathers.
I think because grooming of feathers is preparation to fly, not to be eaten by other predator animals. She prepared from greater working feathers contributing to fly.
I guess the method of grooming is stored in her ROM (non-rewritable read only memory) in the brain.
By her grooming way, I should learn methods how rank my various works. I have to work and work,. and I will be memory impairment, and work and work, but not finish.
After she ate delicious foods (maybe) enough, she sleeps peacefully behinds me.
I'm writing and checking several kinds of medical column and letters sent.
I'm holding my breath during works, it might be good.
We want to cherish someone's peaceful sleeping face on instinct.
It might be good.
The tender heart might be wrote in our ROM in the brain?
Although I'm a neurologist, specialist of brain, but I have no information or papers about clues, no clue.
It came to dark thunderstorm suddenly. Asian thunder and rain.
The forpus coelestis is called mame-ruri-ha 豆瑠璃羽 in Japanese.
Lapis lazli means stone of lazli, and lazli means blue like sky, sea, and universe. Name of species of my pakees is forpus coelestis, and it means deep blue like sky. In English, also in Japanese, people call them in the same way blue stones and blue birds.
They might have been showing translucent beautiful lapis lazuli blue truth.