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« プライベートライアン; Saving Private Ryan / プロメテウス; PROMETHEUS / 007; Skyfall (ADEL) | トップページ | 秋の美しい空 / 「はたらく細胞」とNETFLIX / マメルリハの青空と鳥居の朱 »

2018年9月24日 (月)

The sound of silence by Disturbed / silence means "between thinking and meditation" / circus left town by Clapton

Disturbed, hard rock band plays "The sound of silence", and lyrics is here.
We can wathch the movie in Apple-music in the Apple TV.

A person talk to "silence" in the brain, and the its seeds always exist.

Silence plays some "sound", and we usualy call it "soul", maybe.

The song explain the importance of thinking by ourselves, we should calmly think deeply.

The founder of Zen called Dharma had been sitting alone in front of a rock wall 9 years to meditate and think deeply. Maybe he listen to "the sound of silence".

It's between thinking and meditation, like ZEN in japanese.
Simon & Garfunkel taught me.
The powerful spiritual black & white movie by Disturbed, too.

Because Japanese entertainment icluding music is still in infancy, I can't found such moving musics.
I apprehend such surcumstances.

I love "circus in the town" in Plgrim by Eric Clapton. He made the song for his son.

There is no beautiful lyrics like it in Japan. Nobady can't achieve, and nobady wants that, although Zen is popular here.

I think it's "sad. so sad".

なんと、ディスターブドがThe sound of silenceを奏でていました。





日本に、子供を亡くしたことを詩的に表したクラプトンのような曲はないし、今後も生まれることはないと思う。十分時間が経過しても存在し無いのだから、これからも生まれないだろう。でも、他国を捜せばいいだけ。今日、The Wallを観たように。


(パパはつらい。簡単になんて、乗り越えられそうに無いと思うよ。きっと君のことを思い出すたび悲しくなるだろう・・・。でも、君は大丈夫なはずだ・・・/ there ain't no easy way round (for me, but your friends wil always stay around you) )」


« プライベートライアン; Saving Private Ryan / プロメテウス; PROMETHEUS / 007; Skyfall (ADEL) | トップページ | 秋の美しい空 / 「はたらく細胞」とNETFLIX / マメルリハの青空と鳥居の朱 »
